
MEDAV, CM4 PLM Supporting your PLM Activities

From justification of PLM to PLM selection

a. Justification Document
 You are sure that a PLM system is a must but the management doubts the need. Our job is to support you, we will prepare a document that specifies PLM advantages for your company. Our activity includes an ROI (Return on Investment) evaluation, budget and schedule forecast.

b. RFP (Requirement for Proposal) – Requirements Specification and T&Cs
1. User Requirements Specification 
Define applicable business processes from user’s point of view, define the needs regarding PLM features, interfaces with CAD tools, with ERP and with other software systems. The preparation of the URS is a great opportunity to improve current business processes. We evaluate your company's processes, all the design phases, mass production phase, and product support until end of life and disposal.

2. T&Cs 
Supporting the preparation of Terms and Conditions with regard to PLM system implementation.

c. PLM System Selection 
Our knowledge and experience regarding PLM implementation will support the PLM selection process. Our experts will specify the advantages and weaknesses of  each proposed solution, including hidden information, which the PLM Provider wouldn’t like you to know.  
We will propose the PLM system which suits best your needs.

We are familiar with the following PLM systems :Agile, Arena, ENOVIA V6, Infor PLM for Fashion, SAP PLM, Team Center, Windchill. 

PLM Implementation

a. Control of PLM Provider
Working side by side with your PLM Project Manager we will assure proper control and monitoring of PLM Provider's activities.

b. Supporting PLM Detailed Design 
We will be deeply involved in the detailed design during PLM implementation, taking part in design meetings, controlling implementer's documents.

c. Acceptance Tests 
Design of site acceptance tests, preparation of use cases and acceptance criteria and leading tests execution. 

d. Procedures and Directives 
Prepare procedures and directives that meet the actual business processes, following the PLM implementation.

e. Deployment 
Training users and supporting post go life activities (shake hands with users).

Know How of Complimentary Subjects

Interfaces with CAD, Office, DTP 
Implementation of interfaces between PLM and mCAD, eCAD, Office ad DTP (Desk Top Publishing).

Interfaces with ERP Systems 
Implementation of bi directional interfaces between PLM and leading ERP systems i.e.; SAP, ORACLE Application and other ERP systems.

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